Guide excavated soil management in RW
The Walloon Government Decree of October 27, 2019 relating to excavated soil (which modifies the AGW Terres of July 5, 2018) came into force (for construction sites that begin) from May 1.
This new regulation involves quality control of construction site soils.
In particular, it provides for the following documents:
- a Rapport Qualité des Terres (RQT) ;
- a Certificat de Contrôle Qualité des Terres (CCQT) ;
- a Document de Mouvement des Terres (NMT) ;
- a Document de Transport (DT) ;
- a Notification de Réception (NR) ;
- a Accusé de Réception (AR).
On 05/13/2020, the Tauw consulting office organized a Webinar on these regulations.
With their kind permission you will find below :
- the presentation medium used during the Webinar;
- a document containing a series of questions asked during the Webinar gathered into themes;
- a video presentation of the Walterre tools.