Heritage-led Collaboration in a Divided City: The Nicosia Master Plan

A lecture by Agni Petridou, former Head of the Nicosia Master Plan (Greek Cypriot part of the team) & Ali Güralp, Head of the Nicosia Master Plan (Turkish Cypriot part of the team)
Ever since the establishment of the military buffer-zone in the capital of Cyprus in 1964 and its subsequent extension in 1974, the historic centre of Nicosia has suffered from years of neglect and socio-economic decline, resulting in a population decline and a loss in employment opportunities. To address these issues and many other planning problems, a bi-communal multidisciplinary team was founded, comprising both Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot experts with the aim of preparing a common planning strategy for Nicosia. In the technical sector, the first bi-communal cooperation was formed in order to improve and complete a common sewerage system for the divided city and then, one year later, this cooperation was extended to the preparation of a common urban plan for the whole city. This initiative was named the Nicosia Master Plan. To tackle the challenges facing the city, the NMP-team opted for a cultural heritage-based plan with a focus on the restoration and revitalisation of the Walled City, renovating both monumental and residential areas in order to attract people back to the historic centre. To achieve their goal in such a difficult political climate, the NMP team introduced a system of ‘twin’ colleagues and ‘twin’ projects, effectively stimulating collaboration on both sides of the buffer-zone.
The speakers of the lecture “Heritage-led Collaboration in a Divided City: The Nicosia Master Plan” are Ali Güralp, Head of the Turkish Cypriot part of the Nicosia Master Plan, and Agni Petridou, the former Head of the Greek Cypriot part of the Nicosia Master Plan. They will present on their experience of implementing the Nicosia Master Plan, the challenges they faced and the results of their efforts.
In 2011, the study of the architectural heritage of the buffer zone in the Walled City of Nicosia that was implemented within the framework of the bi-communal Nicosia Master Plan Project (NMP), received a Grand Prix of the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award. The Buffer Zone in the Historic Centre of Nicosia was included on the first ever list of the 7 Most Endangered heritage sites in Europe in 2013. The speakers most recently presented together on the same subject at the 5th Anniversary Conference of the 7 Most Endangered programme and Capacity Building Days on Endangered Heritage which took place in Nicosia on 22-24 October 2018 (more information and a report on the conference is available here). The conference was organised by Europa Nostra, the voice of cultural heritage in Europe.
Practical information:
The lecture will take place on Thursday 7 March 2019 at 17.00 at the Aula Stuk (House for Dance, Image and Sound), Naamsestraat 96, Leuven
Admission is free but registration at this link is required.